• Videos
  • Audio
  • Tactile station
  • Inclusive Museo Novecento

    The new inclusive section of the civic network dedicated to the Museo Novecento has been created thanks to the PNRR M.1-C.3 funding – Measure 3 Inv.1.2 (CUP H17B22000620006) – ‘Removal of physical and cognitive barriers in museums, libraries and archives to enable broad access to and participation in culture’ in public museums and cultural venues not belonging to the Ministry of Culture.

    The contents have been developed in collaboration with the DIDA Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, the Ente Nazionale Sordi (National Federation of the Deaf) of Florence and the Unione Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti (Italian Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted) of Florence.

     Consult the guidebook to schedule the visit


    Inclusive Museo Novecento
    Inclusive Museo Novecento


    Inclusive Museo Novecento
    Inclusive Museo Novecento

    The building's history

    Inclusive Museo Novecento
    Inclusive Museo Novecento

    Alberto della Ragione

    Inclusive Museo Novecento
    Inclusive Museo Novecento


    Inclusive Museo Novecento
    Inclusive Museo Novecento

    Still life and landscapes

    Inclusive Museo Novecento
    Inclusive Museo Novecento

    Horses and the artist and his world

    Inclusive Museo Novecento
    Inclusive Museo Novecento

    Ottone Rosai


    The building's history

    Birth ofl Museo Novecento

    Alberto della Ragione

    Still life and landscapes

    Focus - Giorgio Morandi

    Horses and the artist and his world

    Focus - Futurism


    Focus - Sculptures

    Focus - Arturo Martini

    italiens de Paris and secono Futurism

    Rosai bequest

    Tactile station

    Tactile station - Giorgio Morandi Still life

    Tactile station - Fortunato Depero Neighing at speed

    Tactile station - Arturo Martini Susanna

    Tactile station - Marini Young boxer and Raphaël Emilio Jesi’s portait

    Tactile station - Ottone Rosai Panorama

    Tactile board - The façade

    Tactile board - Massimo Campigli Womans head

    Tactile board - Giorgio De Chirico I Bagni misteriosi