Fondazione Salvatore Romano

Opening Hours & Tickets

The museum hosts the artworks donated to the city of Florence in 1946 by the antiquarian and collector from Campania Salvatore Romano: a precious collection of sculptures, architectonic findings, detached frescos and furniture, from various sources and epochs ranging from Roman Age to the Seventeenth century.

Opening times
May - September
MON 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
TUE Closed
WED Closed
THU Closed
FRI Closed
SAT 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
SUN 1 pm - 17.00 pm
Opening times
October - April
MON 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
TUE Closed
WED Closed
THU Closed
FRI Closed
SAT 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
SUN 1 pm - 17.00 pm

Chiuso nei giorni di Capodanno, Pasqua, 1 maggio, 15 agosto, 25 dicembre.
Il Biglietto Cumulativo si può acquistare, dal 23 aprile 2016, esclusivamente presso la Cappella Brancacci, piazza del Carmine 14.
La biglietteria chiude 45 minuti prima del museo

Piazza di Santo Spirito 29, Firenze
View on Google Maps


€ 4,00

Full Price

€ 3,00

Reduced Price (under 25)

€ 0,00

Free of charge (under the age of 18);

€ 5,00

Guided tours and activities

€ 2,50

Guided tours and activities for residents of the Florence metropolitan area

€ 10,00

Full price cumulative ticket Fondazione Romano + Cappella Brancacci

€ 7,00

Reduced Price cumulative (under 25) ticket Fondazione Romano + Cappella Brancacci


2 biglietti al costo di 1 intero per i possessori della tessera Unicoop Firenze

Università degli Studi di Firenze - UniFi (Card Studenti)

titolo di visita nominativo annuale a 10,00 €

A.A.C.U.P.I. - Association of American College and University Programs in Italy

titolo di visita nominativo semestrale a 10,00 €