Inclusive Palazzo Vecchio

Since over seven centuries Palazzo della Signoria, better known as Palazzo Vecchio, is the symbol of civil power of the city of Florence.
Inclusive Palazzo Vecchio
The new inclusive section of the civic network dedicated to the Palazzo Vecchio Museum has been created thanks to the PNRR M.1-C.3 funding – Measure 3 Inv.1.2 (CUP H17B22000620006) – ‘Removal of physical and cognitive barriers in museums, libraries and archives to enable broad access to and participation in culture’ in public museums and cultural venues not belonging to the Ministry of Culture. The contents have been developed thanks to the participation in the XAll project ‘Tutto un altro guida’ (A completely different guide) financed by the Fondazione TIM, in collaboration with the DIDA Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, the Ente Nazionale Sordi (National Federation of the Deaf) of Florence and the Unione Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti (Italian Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted) of Florence.