San Niccolò: from the tower… Florence on show!

The extraordinary opening of the Tower of San Niccolò goes between 24 of June and 30 of September, everyday, with guided tours in Italian and in English every half hour. The tower, an imposing evidence of the city’s set of walls built between the Thirteenth and Fourteenth centuries, offers a wonderful view of Florence and enables to understand the several building phases of the walls and the defensive and commercial purposes of the doors, inserted – as the historian Villani writes – “ogni dugento braccia di muro… per fortezza e bellezza della città” (every 200 Florentine arms… for the strength and beauty of the city). Everyday 5 p.m.- 8 p.m. (last tour at 7:30 p.m.). Reservation is suggested. In case of rain the tours will be cancelled.

  • Where: Torre San Niccolò, piazza Poggi
  • How: guided tours every 30 minutes, € 6,00 per person

For informations and reservations: Tel. 055-2768224 055-2768558, Mail  Photo by Mauro Sani.