
Heritage Walks

26 March 2024

Following the success experienced during the Christmas season, the Florence World Heritage and UNESCO Relations Office of the Municipality of Florence, together with MUS.E, present a new program of walks conceived through the Florence Continuous Form project. The aim is to promote the knowledge the history of the city of Florence and to foster connections between territory, people and heritage. This program is developed with the support of the Heritage and Research Laboratory (HeRe Lab, a joint laboratory between the Municipality of Florence and the University of Florence) and its goals are the community’s appropriation of the city and the sharing of its values to future generations.

The itineraries will lead citizens, as well as Italian and foreign visitors, to discover the lesser-known areas of the historic center, architecturesviews, and highly evocative stories of Florence, and to appreciate the beauties of the city center at sunset.

While the Historic Center of Florence was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List because it is “a unique achievement, a masterpiece, the result of a continuous creation lasting for over six centuries,” its cultural enjoyment is too often limited to the main monuments and most famous streets, thereby missing the intricate system of places, relationships and activities that is still ideally enclosed by the city walls and that is one of the most significant elements to understand Florence’s historical evolution, rich of references and curiosities.

And it is precisely from this perimeter – still evidenced today by the gates, towers, fortresses and walls of Oltrarno, almost entirely preserved – that three distinct Heritage Walks have been developed, focusing on pivotal areas of Florence’s history and life: the route to the north of the city, around Porta San Gallo “New traces of ancient relationships”; the one to the south, along the walls of Oltrarno “Rethinking the edge”; the one around San Miniato al Monte. With the latter itinerary, it is also remembered how the World Heritage site received a significant expansion in 2021, precisely embracing this area.

Below there is the schedule of all appointments in italian and english:

  • 8/6 h17: walk along the walls (italian)
  • ⁠9/6 h17: walk along the walls (english)
  • 15/6 h17: walk around Porta San Gallo (italian)
  • 16/6 h17: walk around Porta San Gallo (english)
  • 22/6 h17: walk towards San Miniato al Monte (italian)
  • ⁠23/6 h17: walk towards San Miniato al Monte (english)
  • ⁠29/6  h17: walk along the walls (italian)
  • ⁠30/6 h17: walk along the walls (english)

The walks are addressed to adults and young people; they are free and last two hours. It is recommended to wear comfortable clothing and bring water. In case of rain, they will be suspended.

Meeting points:
for the walk around Porta San Gallo, it’s via Guelfa 12, in front of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
for the walk along the walls, it’s Porta San Giorgio, in Via San Leonardo.
for the walk towards San Miniato al Monte, it’s Torre San Niccolò, in Piazza Poggi.

Booking is mandatory. For information and 055-2768224

With the financial support of the Ministry of Tourism “UNESCO Sites and Creative Cities Fund”