

Guided tour the Bardini Museum

In this museum you can feel the passion leading the antique dealer and connoisseur Stefano Bardini in acquiring such a broad quantity of works of art. The tour inviterà to get acquainted of his extraordinary collection, from the main masterpieces – as the Charity by Tino da Camaino and the Madonna of the Rope Makers by Donatello – to valuable pieces of different crafts as  chests, ceramics, carpets, arms, small bronzes.

€ 2,5

For those residing
in the metropolitan area

€ 5

For those not residing in the metropolitan area

on reservation; h 11am, 12am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm

The museum fee has to be added to the activity ticket
Per ragioni di sicurezza le visite sono per piccoli gruppi; a prenotazione è obbligatoria sul sito
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