

Guided tour to the Museum

This visit allows to approach the arts of the 20th century, with a specific attention to Italy and Florence: a peculiar focus is dedicated to the Alberto della Ragione Collection – including great masterpieces and promoting the understanding of the main historical events in between the two World Wars – and the bequest of the Florentine painter Ottone Rosai. Furthermore, the several exhibitions and special projects let to explore the variety of the arts of the XXth and the XXIst centuries, typified by a wide variety of languages, themes and researches.

€ 2,5

For those residing
in the metropolitan area

€ 5

For those not residing in the metropolitan area

on reservation; h 11am, 12am, 1pm, 3pm, 4pm e 5pm

The museum fee has to be added to the activity ticket
Per ragioni di sicurezza le visite sono per piccoli gruppi; a prenotazione è obbligatoria sul sito
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