MUS.E Foundation

We care for and enhance the heritage of the museums of Florence and Tuscany.

We are present in the Civic Museums of Florence, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Museo delle Terre Nuove, Casa Masaccio, and for over 20 years, we have been creating cultural projects, exhibitions, and events that promote the enjoyment of heritage and art through excellent experiences.

What we do

Information and reception

Dedicated information to guiding the public of the Civic Museums of Florence

Organization of cultural events

City’s events, such as F-Light and Firenze dei Bambini

Support for visits

Useful tools for autonomous public enjoyment

Management of bookshop space

Management of bookshop spaces at Palazzo Vecchio Museum, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, and other museums

Opening and visitor assistance

Management and enhancement strategies for cultural assets and artistic spaces, such as the Arnolfo Tower at Palazzo Vecchio, the San Niccolò Tower, the Zecca Tower, and Porta Romana, restored for public enjoyment

Cultural mediation

Proposals for visits and diverse activities tailored to different visitor demographics at the Civic Museums of Florence and throughout the city

Implementation of projects

Implementation of exhibitions, cultural projects, and editorial initiatives, both within the Civic Museums and in public spaces throughout the Florentine territory

Enhancement of spaces

Enhancement of the Museo Novecento and MAD Murate Art District

Since 2015, we have been reaching a wide audience of all ages

All the numbers in our annual report

Annual Report 2023

Formato: pdf

Peso: 7 MB

Infographics report 2023

Formato: pdf

Peso: 777 KB


Archive of annual reports

Mus.e 2023

Another year with MUS.E Florence, another year of culture, art, and shared emotions.

Exhibitions, events, living history activities, family workshops, guided tours, and much more

Working group

Press Office –

Media Office –

Cultural Mediation Office –

Events Office –

Marketing Office –

Administration –

Info –

Work with us

MUS.E Foundation offers those interested the opportunity to undertake a curricular training internship, integrated within an educational path and in agreement with any educational institution (universities, academies, etc.). The internship can be carried out in one of the candidate’s areas of interest and study, under the guidance of experienced staff and the supervision of a tutor.

Internships are unpaid and can last between two and six months, depending on the assigned project.

According to law 24/6/1997 n°196, participation in an internship is subject to the signing of an agreement between MUS.E and the applicant’s institute or university. Currently, numerous agreements with universities and training institutes are already in place.

How to Apply?

  1. Fill out the application form
  2. Attach your CV and a brief cover letter
  3. Submit the application

You will be contacted shortly.

What are the possible areas for the internship?

  • Download the PDF for details

Check the list of already affiliated institutions

  • Download the PDF

Note: This space is exclusively for submitting CVs and requests for curricular internships. Please do not send CVs and requests for job collaborations, which should follow the selection procedures in the NEW HIRES section.

    Nome e Cognome



    Data di nascita


    Area di Studio

    Durata dello Stage o Tirocinio

    Periodo dell'anno in cui si è interessati a svolgere il proprio stage o tirocinio

    Area Nella quale si desidera svolgere lo stage o il tirocinio:

    Si prega di allegare il CV in formato Europass, specificando con cura le competenze informatiche, linguistiche e comunicative

    Dichiaro di aver preso visione dell'informativa ai sensi dell'art. 13 del D.Lgs. n. 196/2003 sul sito istituzionale della Fondazione MUS.E ed autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi della citata normativa | Leggi informativa

    Amministrazione trasparente

    I principi che animano l’azione di Mus.e sono improntati alla massima equità e trasparenza, nel pieno rispetto della normativa vigente e con la consapevolezza di favorire la piena condivisione di un servizio destinato al pubblico. Ogni iniziativa si ispira ai principi di trasparenza, pubblicità, imparzialità ed economicità dell’attività.
    I dati pubblicati in questa sezione lo sono ai sensi  degli artt. 14 e 15 del D.Lgs 33/2013 per Società e gli Enti di diritto privato controllati o partecipati da Pubbliche Amministrazioni.

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